Sunday, December 30, 2012

Miso Soup (serves two)

I have been craving to cook my own miso soup but doesn't know how to go about it until I come across Dr Lesie Tay's Ieatishootipost blog on one of his ieatvideo. There is one particular video which teaches how to make simple miso soup on your own. So I am gald that I can make my own and share this recipe with you guys =D 

1 silken Tofu - cut into small cubes
1 tablespoon of miso
* I dun really want my soup to taste super salty so I bought the above instead
1 Packet of dashi soup powder

  1. Boil a pot of water and add in dashi soup powder. Stir well.

2.  Lower the fire to small fire. Disolve one tablespoon of miso with wire ladles(like above) into the   soup(this step is to enable miso being dissolve into the soup evenly.)
3. Add in tofu and simmer for1 to 2 mins.

If you prefer with seaweed, you can add in some wakame seaweed before adding in tofu. You can get such seaweed at Singapore Meidi-Ya supermarket which is located at Liang Court.

You may also want to refer to the below ieatvideo for clearer idea of how to prepare this simple soup.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bibimbap(Serves 2)

Yesh finally had taken some time to try out this dishes which is my favourite korean cuisine too. I reali like the spicyness in it. I feel during cold weather, this dish is definately a bravo dish to enjoy. Compare to our own mix veggie rice, I feel that korean have rather do it their own style with their signature gochujang. So yeap, here's my version which you guys can try it out~

2 eggs - for sunny side up
1 packet of spinach -> I bought those from china
5 or 6 chicken fillet - cut into strips
6 shiitake mushroom - cut into slices
1 cup of beansprout
1 Japanese cucumber - cut into thin slices
1 carrot - cut into thin slices
3 garlic cloves - chopped & minced 1/4 of it for frying chicken
2 serving portion of cooked rice

Drizzling Sauce:-
1 Tablespoon of sesame oil
Pinch of Salt

1 1/2 Tablespoon of Gochujang
Extra sesame oil


  1. Boil a pot of water. Blanch the spinach for 1 min, drain and rinse with cold running water. Squeeze out any excess water.
  2. Cut spinach into section and add in half of the drizzling sauce. Mix well and set aside.
  3. Repeat step no. 1 & 2  for beansprout.
  4. Add in 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in happy call pan. Saute the cucumber with garlic till soften and set aside.
  5. Repeat step no. 4 for carrot, mushroom. Remember to keep them seperate.
  6. Heat 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and add in minced garlic, stir fry until fragrant. Add in chicken fillet and stir fry about 1 min and add in gochujang. Mix well and cooked till chicken is cooked and dish out.
  7. Add in 1 tablespoon of oil and crack an egg to make a sunny side up. Once ready, dish out and do another sunny side up.
  8. Serve serving portion of rice into serving bowls, arrange all the cooked ingredient nicely and put the sunny side up on top.
  9. To serve, simply add 1 or 2 tablespoon of gochujang (up to your preference) and mix well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stir Fry Celery with chicken strips & carrot(serves 2)

For those who are my regular follower, you would have notice previously I have posted the same dish without any meat. Now this recipe is with chicken meat. The difference between this and the previous recipe is that the chicken can add enhance to this dish. Meat lover will difinately love this dish lots!

4 stalk of celery - peeled & sliced
1 carrot - peeled & sliced
2 chicken breastmeat(for 2 serving portion) - cut into strips
1 garlic - peeled and chopped

1 tablespoon of cornflour
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of rice wine
Dash of pepper


  1. Marindate the chicken strips with the seasoning. Set aside for 10 mins.
  2. Heat 1/2 tablespoon of oil and stir fry the chicken for 1-2 mins and dish out.
  3. Add in again 1/2 tablespoon of oil and fry the garlic till fragant.
  4. Add in celery and carrot and cook till the soften.
  5. Add in chicken strips and cook about 3 mins.
  6. Add some water to make sauce and simmer for about 2 mins before serving.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ebi Sushi

Aha, experimenting ebi sushi on a PH. Sudd gt a craving and urge to create own ebi sushi. Did quite a few research and here's hw I did mine:

5 tiger prawns(veined, shelled)

  1. Use disposable skewer poke through the prawn up to the tail. Make sure you use the skewer to    straighten the prawn and they should look like below:

2.  Prepare a small pot of boiling water(with salt disolved in it) and put in the prawns.
3.  Cook till the prawn is cooked. 
4.  Cool down the prawns in ice water.
5.  After 5 mins, take out the prawns and .  cut the prawns almost half(for me I cut the side where I slip open   the side to take out the vein.) Your prawns should look something like below:

6.  Alrite your prawns is ready to be serve with some Nigiri sushi. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Soba Noodle

Recently I think my diet is slightly abit of haywire, so heatlhly concept automatically comes to my mind. Have tried eating soba noodle in resturant before. I kinda like the taste of the noodle and the soba sauce. So thought of prepare it on my own.

2 crabsticks - cut about 2 cm length
Some leafy vegetables
Soba noodles(1 serving portion)

Soba sauce:-
I bot the ready to use soba sauce as per below.

* I pour in half a bowl of soba sauce and 3/4 bowl of cold water and mix well.


  1. I blanch the crabstick and vegetables 1st in boiling salt water.(p.s for crabstick pls use only boiled plain water and vegetables with boiled salt water.
  2. Set aside and I continue to cook the soba noodle. Once the noodle is cooked, put the noodles to cold water and wait for about 2 mins.
  3. While waiting for the noodle to cool down, I went on to arrange the crabstick and veggie neatly and nicely on a serving plate.
  4. Place the noodle on the serving plate. 
Tip: the correct way of eating this noodle is dip the noodle in the soba sauce and then bring it to your mouth. 

It's so delicious that I don't even have to add in extra seasoning as the noodle and soba sauce already goes so well with each other.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stir Fry Celery with Carrot(serves two)

This is my 1st time trying out on cooking celery. For those who are very experience in handling this type of veggie, they sure know celery cannot be cook too long as they won't be nice in terms of their texture. Had ask for my dad advice as he got cook before. But I am gald that it turns out so well after seeking his advice and research a recipe online. The original recipe has chicken as one of the ingredient but I prefer to do it my own style without adding in any meat.

8 Stalk of celery - peeled and sliced
1 carrot - cut into thin slices
1 clove of garlic - chopped

1 tablespoon of Oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of rice wine
dash of pepper.


  1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil and fry garlic till slightly brown.
  2. Add in celery and carrot and cook about 3 mins or till both half soften espcially carrot.
  3. Add in all the seasoning and some water and cook for another 3 mins till both celery and carrot soften. Serve hot.
By the way, I had try out the original version with chicken on my 2nd try. It taste so yummy. I will also be blogging about this verison of this recipe with chicken. So stay tuned!! ^~

Friday, November 16, 2012

Steamed Mince Meat(珍珠肉)

This is a easy to prepare and doesn't require much effort to cook. I always like this dish the most and get so excited when the sauce surrounding the meat patty. I always pour abit of the sauce over my rice all the time.  So here goes my style of preparing this dish(=

Some minced meat which can serves about two person
1 teaspoon of dong cai(chopped)

1 1/2 tablespoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Dash of pepper


  1. Mix all the ingredient and seasoning well in a bowl.
  2. Use spoon to make the surface of the meat patty flat.
  3. Steam for about 5 mins.
My useful tips: Normally I will put this dish in rice cooker while the rice is halfway done, so it's very good way of cooking this dish when you do not have a steamer at home. (;

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Red Vegetable Soup

I super luv this simple soup. Not only it is a simple to prepare meal, the red vegetables also can help esp woman to replehish blood esp after once a month the routine of losing blood. Very norishing soup I can say. The only bad thing is this type of vegetables doesn't come that often. Anyway, below recipe is adapted by my mum own style of cooking.

1 big stalk of red vegetables - stem removed
1 packet of fish balls
2 eggs beaten
1 Ikan Billi soup stock cube


  1. Boil a pot of water and add in the ikan billi soup stock cube. Dissolve the cube well.
  2. Add in fish ball. Cook till the fish ball rises and touches to the surface of the water.
  3. Add in red vegetables and beaten egg(Tip: pour in the beaten egg bit by bit and in circular direction).
  4. Switch off the stove once the vegetables is cooked and serve hot.
(Note: I did not add in any seasoning as I feel the taste is just nice for me.)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

E-Fu Noodle(Serves two)

This is my 1st time trying out this dish. I gald it turn out well (=

2 E Fu noodle cakes
4 chinese mushroom -soaked and sliced thinly(p.s do not throw away the water that is use to soak)
some lean meat(sliced thinly)
5 stalk of xiao bai cai(separate the stems from the leave)
Some ready to be use fried garlic

2 tablespoon of vegetarian oyster sauce
2 teaspoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 dash of pepper


  1. Blanch the noodles in boiling water till they lose their cripness(takes about 30 seconds). 
  2. Put the noodle in cold water and set aside.
  3. Heat one teaspoon of oil in happy call pan and add in fried garlic. Stir well till the aroma is out.
  4. Add in mushroom and cook till the mushroom aroma smell is out. 
  5. Add in the lean meat and cook till partially is cooked and add in xiao bai cai stem and e-fu noodle.
  6. Add in the mushroom water and seasoning expect for the pepper. Stir well and cooked till the noodle has adsorbed the sauce.
  7. Add in xiao bai cai leaves and pepper. Cooked till the leaves turns green and serve hot.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stir Fried Chinese Greens(serves 2 - 3)

I chanced upon my recipe book under hong kong style recipes and hey this dish also goes very well with ginger too!  I feel that this dish is very simple, less hassle to prepare and easy to cook dish.

Some Nai bai cai(奶白菜) - bottom trimmed
1 1/2 tablespoon of ready to use fried garlic
1 teaspoon of minced ginger

1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt


  1. Heat about 1 tablespoon of oil in happy call pan.
  2. Add ginger and fried garlic till fragant.
  3. Add in vegetables and salt and stir well. Lock the pan to cook for about 1 1/2 minutes. You may wish to turn over the pan to make side the vegetables is throughly well cooked.
  4. Turn over pan again and switch off the stove. Add in sesame oil and stir well before serving.

Black Soy fish steak(serves 2-3)

My 1st time prepare fried and I am so gald that I have done this dish so well. I will definately cook it again. By the way, I follow the recipe book about asian seafood recipe and change the portion of the seasoning. I am gald the taste was so awesome delicious too~

2 Threadfin steak
1 medium onion - sliced
2 red finger chillies - sliced
1/2 cup of water

1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 tablespoon dark soya sauce
Dash of pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon of sugar


  1. Rub the salt into the fish and set aside for 15 minutes.
  2. Heat about 3 tablespoon of oil in the happy call pan.
  3. Fry the fish till golden brown on both side and set aside.
  4. Use the remaining oil to fry onion and chillies. Fry the onion till soft.
  5. Add in dark soya sauce to lightly caramelise. 
  6. Add in water, sugar and pepper. Mix well with the caramelised soya sauce and cook till it boiled.
  7. Add in the fish and simmer for 3 minutes or till the fish is cooked.
  8. You may wish to serve hot with plain rice or porridge. 

Omettle Fried Rice(serves 1)

Had do this dish mainly because I have the urge and craving for this dish.. lol I used the left over ingredients I have to cook this dish.

3 eggs -beaten
1/2 onion - diced
1 hotdog - sliced thinly
1/2 Mixed vegetables
1 bowl of cooked rice

Seasoning: -
2 tablespooon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oik
Dash of pepper to taste


  1. Stir fried the mixed vegetables in the pan till no moisture and set aside.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in the pan and add in the onions. Fried till lightly brown.
  3. Add in hotdog and fried till slightly brown and add in the mixed vegetables and rice.
  4. Add in about 1 tablespoon of egg mixture and seasoning and mix well.
  5. Set aside the fried rice and add in about 2 tablespoon of oil.
  6. Once the oil is heated, add in the egg mixture. Cook till bottom is slightly brown and can be removed with spatula.
  7. Put the egg mixture on top of the rice(make sure the slightly brown side face up). Use a spoon to tuck in the bottom of fried rice.
  8. Use a knife to mark out a X and open the cut edges as shown above. You may wish to serve with some tomato sauce (;

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Spicy Ddukbokkie (Spicy Rice cakes) - home cooked & less spicy style cum - Serves 2

Below recipe I adapted from my buddy Mae Lu.. Hehe easy to cook and prepare your own sauce for this dish~ This recipe is also recommend to those non spicy lover too!! (;

Rice Cakes(I used about half a packet)*
2 pcs of Korea Fish cakes*
1/4 of cabbage - Sliced thinly
2 onions - sliced
2 garlic - minced

1/2 tablespoon of Gochujang (Hot pepper paste, normal type)*
1 ikan bilis soup stock cube
3 tablespoon of ketchup sauce

(ingredients marked with a * means I bought these ingredients from solmart, they have outlets at Novena sq 2, Bukit Batok West Mal & Tampines 1)


1.  Add in water in the happy call pan till the water level is about 0.5 cm as per below picture.

2. Once the water has boiled, add in the ikan bilis soup stock cube. Disolve well and add in the minced garlic.
3. Boil about 1 min and add in fish cakes and lock the pan to cook for 3 mins.
4. Take the fish cakes out and let it cool.
5. Add in ketchup sauce and gochujang and dissolve well in the water.
6.Next, add in rice cake and lock pan again to cook till soften. At the same time, you can cut your fish cakes into rectangle shape like below: 

7. Once the rice cakes is soften, add in onions and cabbage.  Stir well with the sauce and lock pan to cook for about 5 mins or till the sauce thicken.
8. Switch off the stock and add in fish cakes. Stir well and is ready to be serve hot.

P.S : you can the fish cake to minced meat as well to create another verison.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tradditional style of Dumpling Wanton noodles(serves 2)

Aha, previously I had blog about this same recipe but without chestnut inside the dumpling. So here is more traddtional style of doing it..

12 dumpling skins
Some minced meat(according to your prefered serving)
2 chestnut - diced into smaller cubes
6 medium size prawn - shelled; removed vein; cut into halves
2 tablespoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Dash of pepper to taste

Noodle soup:-
1 cha siew(cut into slices)
12 stalk of cai xin
2 serving of uncooked wanton noodles
1 chicken soup stock
3 stalk of spring onion - garnishing(chopped)

A: Making of dumplings

  1. Mix minced meat with the seasoning listed above.(for best result, you can chose to marinate the meat overnite).
  2. Place the prawn into the centre of the dumpling.
  3. Add in about 2-3 chestnut cudes.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon of minced meat and seal the end of the dumpling skin with some water.
B: Noodle soup(pls follow the direction of my previous recipe here)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Claypot rice using happy call deep pan(serves 2)

Come across for some recipes to try out on happy call pan. So here I am to present you my own version of clay pot rice with happy call pan~

5 chicken fillets(cut into cudes, marinate overnight with 2 1/2 tabespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and small portion of old ginger - pounded to extract juice)
*5 chinese mushroom(soaked & sliced)
2 chinese sausages
1 cup of uncooked rice(washed)
2 tablespoon of cooking oil
2 cloves of garlic(chopped)
3 stalks of spring onions(chopped)
1 corianders leaves(chopped)

* please retain the water for soaking mushroom, you will need it to cook the rice.

2 tablespoon of dark soya sauce
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil


  1. Heat the oil in happy call pan.
  2. Add in garlic and fry till frangant and slightly brown.
  3. Add mushroom and oyster sauce. Mix well and lock the pan to cook for about 2 minutes.
  4. Add in chicken and fry till cooked.
  5. Add in chinese sausages and  lock the pan to fry about 1 min. Set mushroom, chicken cudes and sausages aside.
  6. Pour in the rice into the pan and mushroom water. Make sure the water level above the rice is about 0.5 cm.
  7. Lock the pan and cook for about 3 mins till water is almost adsorb or rice is halfway done.
  8. Arrange mushroom, sausages and chicken cudes on top of the rice and cook for about 2 minutes.
  9. Switch off the stove and add in dark soya sauce, sesame oil and stir well.
  10. Serve hot and garnish with chopped spring onions and coriander leaves.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Simple Mee Tai Mah soup(1 serving)

Previously I have posted dried verison of fried mee tai mah.. Here's a simple soup version. 

1 cup of beansprouts(washed)
Minced meat(marindate with 1 tablespoon of soya sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and dash of pepper)
1 bobo brand fish cake(cut into thin slices)
5 Fish balls
1 stalk of chopped spring onions and coriander leaves for garnishing
1 fish or chicken soup stock
1 teaspoon of dong cai
1 tablespoon of fish sauce to taste


  1. Boil water in a pot and add in the soup stock. Stir to dissolve.
  2. Add in minced meat. 
  3. Once the minced meat has floated to the surface of the water, add in fish balls. Cook the fish balls till they floated on the surface of the water.
  4. Add in fish cakes, mee tai mah follow by bean sprout. Add in 1 tablespoon & dong cai of fish sauce  to taste and bring to a boil.
  5. Serve hot with spring onions and coriander leaves.
Tip: for those chilies lovers, you can add in some chopped finger chilies before bringing this dish a boil.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet Potato Porridge (Serves t3-4 pax)~

Among all the porridge I have cooked before, this is one of my favourite as I feel sweet potato really goes well with porridge due to its natural sweet taste.

1 1/2 cup of uncooked rice (soaked overnight)
* this purpose of soaking rice is to ensure it will be more easily soften n has watery texture when cooked)
2 sweet potatoes(cut into chunks)

2 tablespoon of light soya sauce.


  1. Rinse off the soaking water and wash the rice twice.
  2. Add in water about 1 finger length.
  3. Cook and stir the porridge occasionally in medium heat for about 45 minutes till the rice is soften and watery.
  4. Add in sweet potato and cooked for about 15 minutes more or till soften.

Chicken Breast with Mushroom(serves about 3 pax)

Suddenly have a urge to cook this dish and also my mum had just have her operation so I think this dish is quite suitable for her current condition. Did some research on this dish and so here I am presenting my own style of this recipe(:

1 Chicken breast - cut into cudes
10 chinese mushroom - soaked & cut into slices
4 stalk of spring onions - Chopped
1 stalk of coriander leavesn - Chopped
1 tablespoon of hua tiao jiu
4 pieces of peeled ginger
1 tablespoon of cornflour(to marinate the chicken)

Seasoning sauce:
2 tablespoon of vegetarian Oyster sauce
2 Tablespoon of dark soya sauce
Dash of black pepper
1/4 sesame oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of cornflour(mix together with 2 tablespoon of water)
Salt to taste.


  1. Marinate the chicken with hua tiao jiu and cornflour and leave it overnight.
  2. Mix the seasoning sauce together except for cornflour and salt).
  3. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil and fry ginger till fragant. 
  4. Add in chicken and stir fry till is half cooked.
  5. Add in mushroom, sauce and mix well till the chicken is nicely coated with the sauce. 
  6. Add in the cornflour mixture to thicken the sauce and salt. Cook for 1 minute or till the chicken is fully cooked.
  7. Serve hot with chopped spring onions & coriander leaves.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Simple and easy to do Terryaki chicken with egg~

5 chicken fillets (chopped into cudes)
6 tablespoon of terriyaki sauce
(above ingredients I mix them together and marinade overnight)
1 yellow onion (cut into slices)
3 eggs (beaten)
Some seaweed (cut into thin strip as shown above)

Seasoning(for the egg mixture)
3 tablespoon of dashi soup
1 1/2 tablespoon of sugar.


  1. Add in seasoning ingredients into the egg mixture and stir well.
  2. Heat about 2 tablespoon of oil. Add in onion and stir fry till slight golden brown.
  3. Add in chicken cubes and stir fry till brown color.
  4. Pour in egg mixture and once the bottom of the egg mixture is cook, stir well with the chicken cubes. Cook till the egg mixture about 50% done.(means not to let the egg fully cooked so as to maintain the watery texture in it.)
  5. You serve this dish on top of cooked rice and garnish with seaweeds.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Simple Mix vegetables and Tofu Chowder(serves one)~

This was actually a Hong Kong style of soup. I did not reali follow the whole recipe which I got it from my Hong Kong style recipes book. Instead I prefer do it my own style. Hehe~ I have been trying this soup twice.Will definately cook it again.^^

1/2 Green Tea Tofu(you can get it at ntuc)
3/4 cups of mix vegetables
6 soaked chinese mushrooms- cut into slices
1 teaspoon of rice wine
2 tablespoon of cornflour (dissolved in 2 tablespoon of water)
1 chicken stock

1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Dash of pepper to taste


  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a small saucepan and add in the rice wine. Let it sizzle and switch off the stove.
  2. Add in the chicken stock and cooked water(fill it up till half of the saucepan).
  3. Switch on the stove again and dissolve the chicken stock.
  4. Add in mushroom and cooked about 5 mins till tender.
  5. Add in mixed vegetables and salt. Simmer for about 5 mins.
  6. Add in tofu, cornflour mixture and stir until the soup thickens to the consistency of chowder.
  7. Add pepper and sesame oil. Serve hot.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cereal prawns(Serves two)

10 large tiger prawns - remove shell except for the head & tail; deveined & washed
2 eggs -  beaten
Half packet of cereal prawn instant mix
10 curry leaves
2 tablespoon of magarine


  1. Heat  2 tablespoons of oil and stir fry prawns till it cooked and set aside.
  2. Melt margine and add eggs. Use spatula to cut egg mixture into smaller pieces. Fry the eggs till golden brown and dish out.
  3. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil and fry the curry leaves.
  4. Add in the cereal prawn instant mix and mix well.
  5. Add in the prawn and eggs and stir fry evenly. Serve hot.
P.s: if you want to make this dish as a spicy version, can add in some chopped chilli padi together curry leaves.

Assorted vegetables in Oyster sauce

1 stalk of Cauliflower & 1 stalk of broccoli - both cut into florets
1 carrot - cut into slices
1 slice ginger- shredded
2 tablesppons water for steaming
80ml(1/3 cup) of stock
1 Tablespoon of fried shallots

1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of vegetarian oyster sauce
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil


  1. Add salt to a small basin of water. Soak the cauliflowers and broccoli for about 5 mins. Wash throughly in fresh water and drain.
  2. Arrange the carrot, ginger, broccoli and cauliflower nicely in a saucepan.
  3. Add in the water and steam for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the lid ,add in the seasoning & stock and toss for 2 mins.
  5. Serve hot with fried shallots.
Cabbage Green Soup~

Gotten this recipe from one of the mini recipes books i bot from popular.. Is a kind of healthly soup so I try it out.

10 stalks of Choy sum(cai xin) -  cut into finger length
50 g of minced pork
2 tablespoon of light soya sauce
Dash of white pepper
4 cups of water
1 tablespoon of fried shallots


  1. Mix minced pork of light soya sauce and pepper.
  2. Boil water in a pot. 
  3. Add in minced pork small portion by small portion. Once the meat is cook, you might want to add in some salt for taste.
  4. Add choy sum and cook till it changes color and switch off the stove.
  5. Serve hot with fried shallot.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Simple easy to cook curry mee~(serves two)

6 small potato (cut into half)
2 sachet of noodle(here i use mee po)
1 carrot(cut into quatered)
1 chicken breast meat(cooked & shredded)
Half packet of curry power
1 small packet of coconut milk
Fried shallots

  1. Boil the noodles in hot water. Drain off the water and place it in bowls.
  2. Heat oil in wok. Stir fry the chicken till slightly golden brown.
  3. Add potato and carrot and fry till golden brown.
  4. Add in the curry power and stir fry awhile.
  5. Add in about 100ml water and stirwell.
  6. Simmer till low fire and cook till carrot and potatoes are soften
  7. Add in coconut milk and and stir well. cook for about 2 mins. 
  8. Serve hot with fried shallots.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My own verison of own cooked Char Kway Tiao~(serves two)

2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 fish cake - cut into slices
1 cup of bean sprouts
100g of hokkien mee
100g of kway tiao
2 chicken sausages - cut into slices

2 Tablespoon of vegetarian oyster sauce
2 Tablespoon of dark soy sauce
1 Teaspoon of sesame oil
A dash of pepper
1/2 Tablespoon of chilli sauce(optional)


  1. Heat up 2 tablespoon of oil and fry the egg.
  2. Use spatula to cut the eggs into smaller pieces and fry till slightly golden brown. Dish out.
  3. Heat up 1 tablespoon of oil
  4. Stir fry the chicken sausages till slightly golden brown.
  5. Add in fish cake and fry till slightly brown.
  6. Add in the kway tiao, hokkien mee, egg and bean sprout.
  7. Add in seasoning except sesame oil & pepper and mix well. For those like chilli flavour can add the chilli sauce.
  8. Switch off the stove fire and add in the sesame oil and pepper.
  9. Serve hot.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Recently addicted make some sushi again. My fren recommend me to try out making some Tamayoki(Japanese rolled omelet) but to make this you need to have a square pan. But I managed to search online for a recipe which you still can do without using a square pan.

Tamagoyaki Sushi

4 eggs (beaten)
1/3 cup of rice
Seaweed (cut into 1cm thin strip)
3 Tablespoon of Dashi soup stock
1 1/2 Tablespoon of sugar

Method for Egg Mixture:
  1. Add in dashi soup stock and sugar. Mix well.
  2. Heat oil in wok and pour in 1/3 egg mixture.
  3. Cook it until half done and roll to one side.
  4. Add in half of the remaining egg mixture and have the rolled egg mixture flip over it.
  5. Cook till half done and roll the egg again to make it thicker.
  6. Add in the remaining egg mixture.
  7. Cook till done.
  8. Shape the egg mixture on bamboo mat.
  9. Cut into1 inch thick pieces.

Lastly, put the egg on top of the rice and wrap up the sushi of seaweed strip as shown in the picture.(Be sure to wet both side of the seaweed with water so that it will stick.)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pasta salad(serves 1 - 2 pax)

two cups of pasta
*I mix with fusuli and conchiglie aka seashell pasta
two table of mixed vegetables
10 cocktails hotdogs
6 Lettuce leaves(cut into strips)
5 tablespoon of mayonise(you can add more or lessen to your preference)

  1. Boil the pasta till al dente and a pinch of salt.
  2. Add in the hotdog and mixed vegetable.
  3. Drain off the water and add in lettuce & mayonise.
  4. Mix well and serve

Simple fish soup~(serves one - two pax)

5 to 6 lettuce leaves(cut into two)
Some tofu puff(cut into half)
1 tofu(cut into cudes)
3-6 Crabsticks(cut into half)
Toman fish(cut into about 0.5cm slices)
1 carrot (cut into quatered)
1 vegetable soup stock

  1. Boil a pot of water.
  2. Add in the soup stock and stir well ton dissolve
  3. Add carrot. Boil till carrot soften and in the fish. Both for about 5 mins.
  4. Add  in the rest of the ingredients expect for the lettuce and boil for another 3 mins.
  5. Add in the lettuce and serve hot.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Below is a recipe I adapted from one of the recipe book I bought some time ago~ But I change some of the ingredient and ways to cook this dish~

Minced meat with lettuce fried rice(serves two)

cooked rice (about 1 1/2 cup of uncooked rice)
5 - 6 pieces of lettuce(cut into thin strips)
2 eggs(beaten)
3 stalk of spring onion(chopped)
Some Minced meat
A dash of pepper
2 tablespoon of soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil

Marinade seasoning:
2 teaspoon of soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of rice wine
1 teaspoon of cornflour
60ml of water


  1. Mix well all the Marinade seasoning together with the minced meat. Set it for 10 minutes.
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil and fry the minced meat till slightly light brown. Remove from the wok and pour in half of the beaten egg.
  3. Use a spatula to break up the egg into small pieces. Fry till golden brown
  4. Add in rice, soya sauce, minced beat, lettuce and remaining beaten egg(note this step of adding remaining beaten egg ensure that the rice will be mix well of all the seasoning with ease and the rice will not burnt easily) Mix well.
  5. Switch off the stove fire. Add in sesame oil & pepper and mix well.
  6. Serve hot with chopped spring onion.
Previously I was searching for some ideas of how to cook pumpkin.. So here I am to present my simple pumpkin soup recipe here..

Simple Pumpkin soup~

1 sweet corn (cut into 5 chunks)
1/2 carrot(cut into quartered)
1/4 of medium pumpkin
3 pork rib(scalded)

2 teaspoon of salf

  1. Put in the pork rib and pumpkin. Cook for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add in the rest of the ingredients and salt.
  3. Cook for about 50 minutes and serve hot

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potato soup~(serves 2 person)

3 Potatoes(peeled and cut into quarters)
3 Pork ribs
1 carrot(peeled and cut into quarters)
2 onions(skinned and cut into quarters)

  1. Use boiled water to scald the pork rib.
  2. Pour away the water and boil some water in the pot.
  3. Once water is boiled, add in the pork rib for an hour than add in onion and potato.
  4. Cooked till the potato is half soften and add in carrot.
  5. Cook till the carrot is soften and add in a pinch of salt to taste.
Simple sushi~(serves two 2 pax)


1 packet of powered sushi mix(as shown above, PS: I got it from ntuc)
Cooked rice(2 pax serving)
1 hotdog(bolied)
3 crabstick(bolied)
1/3 of japanese cucumber(cut into strips)
1/3 of carrot(cut into strips)
3 teaspoon of mayonise(for making crab mayo)
Some canned mayonise tuna

Tools you might need:
Nigiri Sushi Mold(as shown above, I got it at daiso; ps outlet)
Bamboo Sushi mat(for making california type of sushi)
Bamboo Spoon

  1. Pour the powered sushi mix into the rice. (the packet serve 3 serving, so i only use up 2/3 of the mixture)
  2. Use Bamboo spoon and mix well.
Crabstick Mayo
  1. Chopped up 2 pcs of crabstick and mix well with three teaspoon of mayonise.

California Sushi
  1. Cut the seaweed into half.
  2. Spread the rice evenly in the centre. 
  3. Add in filling such as hot dog, crabstick, tuna etc.
  4. Use bamboo sushi mat and roll up.
  5. Cut the sushi into three.
Nigiri Sushi
  1. Cut the seaweed with the width of 2cm.
  2. Put rice evenly into the Nigiri Sushi Mold.
  3. Place the press lid on top and press down evenly and strongly.
  4. Remove the press lid and overturn the container. Remove the nigiri sushi by pressing the centre part of the bottom of the container.
  5. Wrap the sushi with the seaweed.
  6. You can add the topping with tuna, cucumber & carrot, or crabstick mayo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Marinate of chicken(for steamboat purpose, serves 2-3 people)

4 pcs of chicken fillet(cut into thin slices)

1 table spoon of Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
A dash of pepper

Mix all the seasoning well with chicken and let it alone for 4 hrs before serving.
Marinate of Fish fillet(for steamboat purpose; serves 2 - 3 people)

1 big piece of toman fillet(cut about 1 cm thick)

1 tablespoon of soya sauce 
1 teaspoon of fish sauce & hua tiao jiu

Mix all the seasoning together with the fish and let it for four hrs.