Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stir Fry Celery with Carrot(serves two)

This is my 1st time trying out on cooking celery. For those who are very experience in handling this type of veggie, they sure know celery cannot be cook too long as they won't be nice in terms of their texture. Had ask for my dad advice as he got cook before. But I am gald that it turns out so well after seeking his advice and research a recipe online. The original recipe has chicken as one of the ingredient but I prefer to do it my own style without adding in any meat.

8 Stalk of celery - peeled and sliced
1 carrot - cut into thin slices
1 clove of garlic - chopped

1 tablespoon of Oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of rice wine
dash of pepper.


  1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil and fry garlic till slightly brown.
  2. Add in celery and carrot and cook about 3 mins or till both half soften espcially carrot.
  3. Add in all the seasoning and some water and cook for another 3 mins till both celery and carrot soften. Serve hot.
By the way, I had try out the original version with chicken on my 2nd try. It taste so yummy. I will also be blogging about this verison of this recipe with chicken. So stay tuned!! ^~

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This sounds really great to try! I love vegetables especially when it's combine by lots of tasty ingredients. I will really try this at home when I have a free time. Thank you for sharing this! Please keep on sharing!

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