Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stir Fry Celery with chicken strips & carrot(serves 2)

For those who are my regular follower, you would have notice previously I have posted the same dish without any meat. Now this recipe is with chicken meat. The difference between this and the previous recipe is that the chicken can add enhance to this dish. Meat lover will difinately love this dish lots!

4 stalk of celery - peeled & sliced
1 carrot - peeled & sliced
2 chicken breastmeat(for 2 serving portion) - cut into strips
1 garlic - peeled and chopped

1 tablespoon of cornflour
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of rice wine
Dash of pepper


  1. Marindate the chicken strips with the seasoning. Set aside for 10 mins.
  2. Heat 1/2 tablespoon of oil and stir fry the chicken for 1-2 mins and dish out.
  3. Add in again 1/2 tablespoon of oil and fry the garlic till fragant.
  4. Add in celery and carrot and cook till the soften.
  5. Add in chicken strips and cook about 3 mins.
  6. Add some water to make sauce and simmer for about 2 mins before serving.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ebi Sushi

Aha, experimenting ebi sushi on a PH. Sudd gt a craving and urge to create own ebi sushi. Did quite a few research and here's hw I did mine:

5 tiger prawns(veined, shelled)

  1. Use disposable skewer poke through the prawn up to the tail. Make sure you use the skewer to    straighten the prawn and they should look like below:

2.  Prepare a small pot of boiling water(with salt disolved in it) and put in the prawns.
3.  Cook till the prawn is cooked. 
4.  Cool down the prawns in ice water.
5.  After 5 mins, take out the prawns and .  cut the prawns almost half(for me I cut the side where I slip open   the side to take out the vein.) Your prawns should look something like below:

6.  Alrite your prawns is ready to be serve with some Nigiri sushi. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Soba Noodle

Recently I think my diet is slightly abit of haywire, so heatlhly concept automatically comes to my mind. Have tried eating soba noodle in resturant before. I kinda like the taste of the noodle and the soba sauce. So thought of prepare it on my own.

2 crabsticks - cut about 2 cm length
Some leafy vegetables
Soba noodles(1 serving portion)

Soba sauce:-
I bot the ready to use soba sauce as per below.

* I pour in half a bowl of soba sauce and 3/4 bowl of cold water and mix well.


  1. I blanch the crabstick and vegetables 1st in boiling salt water.(p.s for crabstick pls use only boiled plain water and vegetables with boiled salt water.
  2. Set aside and I continue to cook the soba noodle. Once the noodle is cooked, put the noodles to cold water and wait for about 2 mins.
  3. While waiting for the noodle to cool down, I went on to arrange the crabstick and veggie neatly and nicely on a serving plate.
  4. Place the noodle on the serving plate. 
Tip: the correct way of eating this noodle is dip the noodle in the soba sauce and then bring it to your mouth. 

It's so delicious that I don't even have to add in extra seasoning as the noodle and soba sauce already goes so well with each other.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stir Fry Celery with Carrot(serves two)

This is my 1st time trying out on cooking celery. For those who are very experience in handling this type of veggie, they sure know celery cannot be cook too long as they won't be nice in terms of their texture. Had ask for my dad advice as he got cook before. But I am gald that it turns out so well after seeking his advice and research a recipe online. The original recipe has chicken as one of the ingredient but I prefer to do it my own style without adding in any meat.

8 Stalk of celery - peeled and sliced
1 carrot - cut into thin slices
1 clove of garlic - chopped

1 tablespoon of Oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of rice wine
dash of pepper.


  1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil and fry garlic till slightly brown.
  2. Add in celery and carrot and cook about 3 mins or till both half soften espcially carrot.
  3. Add in all the seasoning and some water and cook for another 3 mins till both celery and carrot soften. Serve hot.
By the way, I had try out the original version with chicken on my 2nd try. It taste so yummy. I will also be blogging about this verison of this recipe with chicken. So stay tuned!! ^~

Friday, November 16, 2012

Steamed Mince Meat(珍珠肉)

This is a easy to prepare and doesn't require much effort to cook. I always like this dish the most and get so excited when the sauce surrounding the meat patty. I always pour abit of the sauce over my rice all the time.  So here goes my style of preparing this dish(=

Some minced meat which can serves about two person
1 teaspoon of dong cai(chopped)

1 1/2 tablespoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Dash of pepper


  1. Mix all the ingredient and seasoning well in a bowl.
  2. Use spoon to make the surface of the meat patty flat.
  3. Steam for about 5 mins.
My useful tips: Normally I will put this dish in rice cooker while the rice is halfway done, so it's very good way of cooking this dish when you do not have a steamer at home. (;

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Red Vegetable Soup

I super luv this simple soup. Not only it is a simple to prepare meal, the red vegetables also can help esp woman to replehish blood esp after once a month the routine of losing blood. Very norishing soup I can say. The only bad thing is this type of vegetables doesn't come that often. Anyway, below recipe is adapted by my mum own style of cooking.

1 big stalk of red vegetables - stem removed
1 packet of fish balls
2 eggs beaten
1 Ikan Billi soup stock cube


  1. Boil a pot of water and add in the ikan billi soup stock cube. Dissolve the cube well.
  2. Add in fish ball. Cook till the fish ball rises and touches to the surface of the water.
  3. Add in red vegetables and beaten egg(Tip: pour in the beaten egg bit by bit and in circular direction).
  4. Switch off the stove once the vegetables is cooked and serve hot.
(Note: I did not add in any seasoning as I feel the taste is just nice for me.)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

E-Fu Noodle(Serves two)

This is my 1st time trying out this dish. I gald it turn out well (=

2 E Fu noodle cakes
4 chinese mushroom -soaked and sliced thinly(p.s do not throw away the water that is use to soak)
some lean meat(sliced thinly)
5 stalk of xiao bai cai(separate the stems from the leave)
Some ready to be use fried garlic

2 tablespoon of vegetarian oyster sauce
2 teaspoon of light soya sauce
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 dash of pepper


  1. Blanch the noodles in boiling water till they lose their cripness(takes about 30 seconds). 
  2. Put the noodle in cold water and set aside.
  3. Heat one teaspoon of oil in happy call pan and add in fried garlic. Stir well till the aroma is out.
  4. Add in mushroom and cook till the mushroom aroma smell is out. 
  5. Add in the lean meat and cook till partially is cooked and add in xiao bai cai stem and e-fu noodle.
  6. Add in the mushroom water and seasoning expect for the pepper. Stir well and cooked till the noodle has adsorbed the sauce.
  7. Add in xiao bai cai leaves and pepper. Cooked till the leaves turns green and serve hot.