Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Salted Vegetables Soup

This is one of my favourite soup. During weekdays lunch, sumtimes I will prefer nothing esle but a hot bowl of soup with a bowl of rice. 

So I have tried to study how to cook a salted veggies based on my observations on home n outside. N finally I figure it out. hehe

Serves 2

About 2 salted veggies - soaked in water for a few hours or overnite; cut into about 3 cm long
1 tofu - cut into cudes
1 1/2 tomatoes - cut into wedges
4 salted palms (if you like the soup to be less sour add one or two palms would be enuff)
1 chicken soup stock


  1. Boil water and dissolves the chicken soup stock.
  2. Add in salted veggies, salted palms.
  3. After 15 mins, add in tomatoes and simmer till another 35 mins.
  4. Add in tofu and cook for another 10 mins.

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