Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prawn noodles soup broth

I used to buy those prima taste prepack set which has the soup base, fried onions, chili and garlic powder. Each set cost quite costly. As times goes by, I managed to explore and come out with my own of broth as per below.

Serves 2 to 3 person

About 20 prawn shells (I save the shells from previous prawns used for cooking)
Yellow Beans - half a bowl, washed
3 pig bones(optional)
10 cloves of garlic
Ikan Billis - abt a cup, washed
2 tbsp of oil

1 to 2 rock sugar
Dash of salt and pepper
2 tbsp of dark soya sauce


  1. Heat oil in a wok and add in prawn shells & stir fry till the oil turns orange.
  2. Add in ikan billis until is golden brown.
  3. Boil a pot of water and scald the pig bones. Rinse the bones and  throw away the water and add in another pot of water and boil. Add back the pig bones into the pot and the rest of the ingredients. (skip this step if you not using pork bones)and just boil water before adding the rest of the ingredients.)
  4. While the water has boil, lower the fire to low heat and simmer for about 30 to 45 mins
  5. Add in seasoning and mix well.. Your prawn soup broth is now ready to be serve with noodles and fried shallot and chilli.
Ways to serve it:

A) with flat yellow mee, spinach, lean mest and prawns..

B) with yee mee, bean spourt, prawns, lean meat and lettuce

C) yellow mee, fish cakes, chives and prawns

All topped up with fried shallot and shallot oil..

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